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Unit 3 Proposal and Research Festival  


show: one large painting and one large sculpture. 



Based on the small ceramic piece of the grape sculpture that I did for unit two, where I experimented with different under and over glazes, low and high temperature and different color and texture. I plan to recreate it but at a much larger scale, each grape to be a bit larger than the size of a human head. 



I want to dive into more of a narrative painting, a story telling,  based on a recent personal experience I had of othering. This painting will touch base on why blind nationalism, or maybe  blind loyalism might be a better word for it, to a certain culture, community or a group of friends is part of the problem of othering. This painting will include new characters and maybe a minimalist landscape. 

still play with titles, i am between  “it broke my rosie glasses” or “another shade of disappointing gray”


I am not sure if i want to have both painting and ceramic pieces to be in conversation with on another; having them be the same fruit salad character like i did for the barge house. But that is something i'm working to figure out now 


Research proposal:


Invite participant to a thought-ful experience with painting/drawing

Material: thick paper, pen, pencils, coloring pens, watercolor or acrylic paint, brushes,  paint pallets or plates, water cups for brushes. 


Having each participant start with their own art work, then 15 minutes in, forcibly take away their work and randomly give it to another participant, which then they are asked to continue creating with the new artwork they received. after another 10 mins ask them to switch the artwork themselves. After another 5 minutes ask them to hand it to the third participant to their right… The process of switching will continue until the last 10 minutes of the workshop where each participant tries to find their original piece. We will also have a conversation on how this experience made them feel. Which is basically a quick conversation about ‘circumstance’.   


During the twitching of artwork, i'll have music playing in the background that will as well switch between tensity and loudness to add to the chaos of the ‘circumstance’. and to help participant keep going with their work, i'll be give them random ideas of what they can do or create with their art work, for example: redraw your favorite shape with your favorite color, give it highlights and shadows ..etc


painting hanging on wall, in front of it is the ceramic piece:. 


a quick sketch of what the painting might include 

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