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Research Festival
Making Conversation

Ramah Alhusseini, Lucrezia Abatzoglu, Kate Kelly, Danyinh Chen, Maggie Shafran, Jennan Huang, Xingxing Hu.

For this research festival i will be collaborating with my fellow Dirty Laundry artists. we will be creating a publication together as a collective. This book will be somewhat of a documentation of our work and exhibition together. It will also include some independent writings that each of the artists will add, if they wanted to, to help enhance each concept and idea behind the work. 

When we first started working on our research festival, I planned to give and present a workshop as i mentioned in unit2. But i changed my mind and went with the collaborative publication as, I'm use to working alone, and I thought the collaborative root would be much more of a learning experience than a workshop. I'm very comfortable at giving workshops as i did it in freelance work, like giving painting lessons for adults. as well, having this publication, about an experience, is to document a moment within my MA degree. It is something I'd like to have as a momento, a souvenir for my self and fellow collaborative artists. This will be my first proper publication in a book that i was part of the process of creating.  

Heres an old clip from a painting session I did in Bahrain as example of the different workshops that i have given before:

Research Festival will be held at A.P.T. Gallery in Deptford from 13 November to 20 November: showcasing a display of student-authored zines, artist books, essays and podcasts, and activated by a daily public programme of talks, workshops, screenings, and performances.

A.P.T. Gallery -

two images i took of set-up day for Dirty Landry 2

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