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Endless possibilities:
If i had all the time, money and minions in the world, i would like to create, 


-Massive head pieces for people to be able to wear and dance in, 
I'd ask professional conte
mporary dancers to collaborate with classical musicians to create a 2 hour performance about questioning the concept of belonging, identity and the need for it, being aware of the constant struggle and fight between letting go of trying to belong and fitting in and the need for it. Dancers and musicians wearing those massive and elaborate headpieces.

-Large installation in the middle of the woods, it's only when you get lost is when you find the sculpture. that feeling of loss is a constant struggle, and when one realizes its presence its existence then one start to question the whys. a self reflection moment/piece.


-Over 10000 Tiny little pieces filling up a room like a ball pit. where participants get to dive in and be with all those diverse mixed race ethnic fruits. 


-Some medium and large sized statues are placed on buildings instead of the gargoyles statues. 

-Id have 500 hand sized, different unique pieces placed all around the UK in public spaces where they may blend or stand out, places in odd spots, create a massive game hunt of who can collect the most photos. The idea behind it is for people to start recognizing the ‘different’, and celebrate it. 

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