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MA Fine Art Show

open from the 3rd to the 8th of July 2023

private view: 4th July 2023 

45-65 Peckham Road, London SE5 8UF






The final MA show, presenting all Fine Art, studio arts, fields at the Camberwell's campus. This section showcases the work I prepared for the exhibition. It contains one large acrylic painting and nine ceramic sculptures. Three  placed on the ground, and six hanging on the wall as an extension to the painting, breaking the limits of the canvas and continuing the narrative beyond the set boundaries of a frame. 

The opening night was extremely successful. I had 40 stickers with two different character of my morphed fruit as free give aways, as well as 60 post cards with my artist statement on it. All three of them gone by the end of the night. 

An overview:

Right after unit 2, I spent the first two weeks trying to bring my grape installation to life, made of large grape ceramic sculptures and wood structure.                                  sadly i faced some difficulty that made me change plans and create a collection of hand sized morphed fruits; the ones you will see in the photos below scattered on the wall. I wanted to create at least 10 to 15 hanging pieces, but because of the time limit and how long each piece takes to build, I was only able to produce a few. 

This piece brings awareness to the concept of social and societal issues, 
The things we do, or don't do, for the sake of the general, to fit in or belong afraid to rock the boat.

Bringing awareness to our intentions;

Why are we doing the things we do? Who will benefit the most, who will hurt the most and Was it worth it? 


I presented a landscape still life scene filled with fruits and a bird. The mango piled together represents a ‘group’, the morphed fruit scattered to the left of the painting, outside of the pink circle, outcasted to the extent way beyond the canvas, onto the wall and ground. The bird, that can be seen as a predator or a prey, stands in the center of the mango pile. Question is, are the mangos protecting the bird, or did the bird collect, pick and choose the mangos placing them in a nest like shape? Or was it just circumstance that led to such a situation?


Thinking out loud:
I always found it extremely interesting how humans have the ability to convince themselves that what they are doing is ok. Yet the fact that they are doing it in secrecy, without consent and in violence defies the idea of ok, good or the “right thing”. Of course everything is within context, depending on the situation, the same act can be perceived as heroic or monstrous.  But sometimes some acts, no matter how you look at them, are just inhuman. 

My painting expresses a considerably small incident that speaks volumes about the complexity of the human mind and how scary it can be.

Not that it's an excuse to do it, but we all have selfish behaviors, we all have faults, it's part of being human, we aren’t perfect by design, we all have overstepped at some point; To somehow convince oneself to do something against common sense over personal and selfish needs and greed. For example a cheating partner, a CEO of a company firing an employee because he/she/they doesn't want to lose money from his/her/their  pocket so ‘cuts’ have to be made .. and so on..

Such situations that sadly reoccur pretty much all over the world in different forms, and some in severe manner, are perfect examples to what extent the 'evil' within each can control us for the sake of the self and comfort. I believe a big part of the cause of such problems is the recurring theme of othering. Whether It is when one separates the self from the general public as a superior entity, or othering a group as savages and less than human, somehow disconnecting ourselves from each other is when we start numbing our humanity from reaching our conscious ethical minds. And in the process we forget one of the basic rules of life: if you don't want it to be done to you, do not do it to others.   


A bird can be a predator to some species, yet at the same time a pray for others. This was one of the reason I thought it was a perfect subject to use. As well, they don't have facial expressions, you can only tell how they might be feeling,  for example scared or angry, by how they behave, and usually its very subtle actions.

I gave the bird human feet for a literal meaning of bare, naked: as the actions of humans bare their true nature and Intentions. but one can only tell after observing consecutive similar behavior the true meaning behind it all. A lot of small red flags were dismissed, but it all only became clear now. 


A ghostly effect, soulless. given a blind eye. 


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Ramah AlHusseini1.jpeg

all the photos below were taken by our wonderful path leader Geraint Evans.  thank you for the lovely photos and a fantastic year. 

Ramah AlHusseini11.jpeg
Ramah AlHusseini12.jpeg
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Ramah AlHusseini9.jpeg
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Ramah AlHusseini6.jpeg
Ramah AlHusseini2.jpeg

Images of the postcard i had as giveaway for the opening night. 

at the same time as our main MA final show is presented in the main campus on Peckham road. there was another smaller extension, exhibiting our artwork at the Wilson road building. sadly i couldn't find images on how they were displayed but here are the artworks that was presented 

after giving over 6 options of different artwork to be chosen from, two made it through. 

one was my waterclor apples, which was placed in a class casing in the middle of the hall flat on the tables. 

the other was my ceramic piece titled 'Over Analyzed' placed in a corner near a window. 

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