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As the year is coming to an end, we are faced with a new shift in life. As we all try to make our way in to this world, changes will happen. And with every 'next step' lots will be left behind.

Since theres a high chance that a lot of us wont see each other again, I am grateful for this one last chance of showcasing and coming together. Its been an interesting year to say the least, but I know I am a changed person, to the better, because of it. Another layer from a British fruit embedded in me, morphing me in to a new.

Thanks to Green and Xinxing, two of my classmates, that have booked a Gallery space in Milbank. we aim to show our work early November 2023. dates yet to be finalized   


Im currently working on two pieces. 

one of them will be showcased in the Exhibition. 

here are their current progress. 

both with acrylic color on canvas. 

just as i did in Unit 1, this painting is a portrait. combining different elements texture and color from different fruits to create a unique morphed produce. 

this second painting is more leaning on the still life, as i tried and experimented in unit 3. Im not sure if ill be adding the human face on to the morphed fruit in-between all the watermelons yet. but i like where its going 

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