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Miniature exhibition, 

Our first group exhibition with UAL in 2023 

Forces of the Small: Project for an Artwork Compacted and Condensed

Filet 103 Murray Grove, London N1 7QP

Opening event, Thursday 2 March, 5-8PM

Friday 3 March - Tuesday 7 March, 12-6PM

Sunday 5 March, 12-5PM

curated by Peter Suchin 

I took this exhibition as an opportunity to start experimenting with 3d. Turning a character from my fruit salad series into a sculpture by using quick dry clay, I chose to start with it as it was an affordable product to use for prototyping. It allowed me to explore the route of sculpting before investing in ceramics, both time and material. I found it a bit tough to work with, it would dry faster then i wanted it. And creating details was almost impossible due to the size. I think quick dry clay is a good product for minimalist creations and definitely not miniature.


After attending the lecture given by the curator, I had a good idea of what they wanted.  I enjoyed the concept of the exhibition, as it pushed me to think of an aspect of my project but in a different way. I loved seeing all of the other artwork, some were multi-layered and others minimal. The final layout of the space was interesting, as it had a wall that was more organized than others. I liked the idea of having some pieces randomly placed, like on top of the door, or in a corner,  but some were more successful than others. The cat painting near the string was a nice touch but might have been too close to the ground. From what I remember the artist wasn't too happy with the placement, which made me think about how important it is to have that conversation with artists when placing their works in new and unusual manners, as the painter didn't find out until he showed up at the PV. There was a barcode placed in a corner that I honestly didn't notice until  the person who created it told me where to look. One piece was so far out of reach that you really couldn't tell what was painted on it. I think such hidden areas should have louder pieces for them to be able to stand out.


My piece was placed in front of the window. I didn't mind it, But I did notice when I was invigilating that the reflection on the window made it hard to really take in all the detailed work I did with the clay and paint, especially during the day. But nevertheless, it was a successful exhibition. Good experience and a great turn out on opening night.

Forces of the Small INSTAGRAM BLUE.png
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