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Dirty Laundry 

27th April - 8th May 2023

arts  SU Project Space Camberwell 

Ground Floor A Block 

participating artists: Ramah ALHusseini, Kate kelly, Lucrezia Abatzoglu, Danying Chen, Junnan Huang, Maggie Shafran, XingXin Hu.



It was our bright watercolors that started the conversation of a potential exhibition. Kate and I started to discuss the concepts of what inspired each of our works. We noticed a lot of  similarities, the most dominant is the conversational aspect about the uniqueness that comes out, or through individuals, how they cope in society and how they are viewed. We both present this concept in different manners. As I tackle the personal inner struggles, because of the individual's uniqueness, that tends to happen because of ‘circumstance’, like the diaspora, migrants and people of mixed heritage struggling with belonging and othered-ness. On the other hand, Kate's work has conversations that bring out the individual's uniqueness in a manner of honoring, highlighting and celebrating.  


We then thought to turn our two women show in to a small collective. We considered different aspects, conceptual relations and or visual connections amongst the work: Objects, women, the human experience, trauma, cycle, thoughts, individualism..Those are some of the things that brought us together. The choice of just having female artists was all coincidence. And it's interesting to see how people are reacting to it, inside our group and outside. 


Xingxin found out about this wonderful open call opportunity organized by the Student union. we applied and got in! We didn't really have a choice with what date or time the exhibition would take place, as it was already assigned in advance. So it coincided with the second showcasing at the Barge House. It was tough, but  a great experience, seeing who stepped up and how people worked underpressure. Kate and I curated the show, placing artwork we thought worked together in the theme of the ‘conversation’.  I think we did a pretty good job placing things in unleveled positions to emphasize the ups and downs that come with life. 


Opening night was a success, 

We had our PV at the same time as the wall art competition opening night that was organized by UAL-camberwell. which meant more and new people, so i'm glad it happened at the same time. A lot of our classmates passed by to celebrate both the Barge House show two and our dirty laundry exhibition. 


This is definitely a first stepping stone, we will be doing another show with new artwork in a few months. Stay tuned .. 

dirty L floor plan final-01.png
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