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Artist Statement

My practice comments on navigating identity through self awareness in moments of realizations. This constant self-debate started after understanding that a lot of who we are, and what we do, is dependent and influenced by our situation. While looking at others, we manifest a social idealism as a target to reach, setting rules and restrictions on ourselves. Usually creating such rigid lines, conforming for the sake of association, connection and belonging, or sometimes for the fear of being rejected, but at what cost?

In this series of paintings that feature a range of symbolic elements, I try to visually capture the uncomfortable inner-struggle that ungrounds us from the ‘situation’ in question - a moment that comes right after or with realizations. 

Coinciding with its heavy meaning in historical paintings, and its strong connection in different cultures today, I chose to create a body of work that manifested as fruit portraits, titled ‘Fruit Salad’. In each piece is an anthropomorphism hybrid of three different fruits. What you see is a fruit, yet does not fit in any actual existing category. Which discusses and questions our connection and disconnection, belonging and or the fear of being outcasted, in our human world.

Just like the visual distortion that occurs, a mental distortion happens. Featuring a melancholy face, consumed by thought, irritated from the complexity of social conformity. 

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